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tv   Headline News  RT  February 6, 2013 9:00am-9:28am EST

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the nation of a prominent opposition. accuses fifty. detention without charge. one of the. political.
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welcome to the program here on. news from around the world. police clashed with protesters after angry mobs. of the ruling islamist party. took to the streets across the country to protest against the government and the public. leading opposition figure chokri belaid holding the power elite responsible international relations professor says the government will be hard pressed to survive until the upcoming election. tension between the opposition and the ruling party ennahda has been growing for elections in a few months time in the two years since the revolution the economy and unity is
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taking a nosedive i was a general and in addition to the tourist business has been dramatically cut hotels empty and so you have factories that used to supplied components to european companies shot unemployment is rising to this it had been presented as the nearest thing to a success story there had been too much violence but unfortunately as i say these deep despair disappointments with the failure to make life better life are called worse and the sense that there is a check for it it takes many people generally away from having to tension about the coming elections and whether we will get to those elections without a real political crisis on the streets and perhaps changing around one problem the poor ocean is here is that it doesn't have many natural resources so that it's rather neglected by the west as nobody has any great interest in trying to prop it up and so it's regimes fall the colony is now in a nose dive and it's surrounded by recently tense areas to the east and south and
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it's getting no real help from the north this is as if we were trying to position which nations just a bit earlier in the program here on r t i spoke on the phone to who does that do the newseum journalists and brought us the latest reaction from the ground. morning so. the position pretty titian should people eight has been shocked that the outside his home today in the capital in a suburb quite suburb of tunisia. shipley bernardi he was the general secretary over does it look like such as forty and he's also one of the leaders of the opposition popular from deeds known as a prominent opponent of the moderate islam instead of compliments. he's a situation. presents. he needs his are shocked and consider this as a criminal act this is the first time this kind of fantasy nation happened in
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tunisia so people you know they protested you know they are in the streets they had they most of them they are eating people. in front of the ministry of interior and you know i kept a. shame. you don't like many of the offices of the ruling party everywhere i mean anger is prevailing and people are very very very angry and. i hear about but. there is no victims until now you know but you know people just seventeen they just protesting in the streets this is now fifty four countries helped washington detained transfer and even sometimes tortured terrorist suspects in secret cia prisons but according to a top american and geo which was released the most detailed account yet of the notorious
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rendition program and first getting the story our correspondent guy named to check out. this is a very comprehensive report prepared by the open society foundations not only do they detail torture techniques that were used at cia secret prisons overseas to so-called black sites but also give a list of countries that one way or another participated in cia secret detention and extraordinary rendition operations including by hosting cia prisons on their territories detaining interrogating torturing going to be using it if the jewels assisting in a tour in the capture and transport of detainees and so on so the list includes countries like afghanistan australia denmark djibouti egypt georgia turkey syria the united arab emirates the united kingdom yemen italy and even iran and just in case you're wondering what iran is doing on the list here's what the report says a yemeni national hussein solemn mohammad on the fed he was captured by iranian
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authorities in terror on sometime after nine eleven two thousand and one and once was handed over to afghan authorities as part of a prisoner exchange and was held in cia detention in afghanistan so a list of fifty four countries there while president bush acknowledged that the cia had secretly detained about one hundred prisoners and this report alleges there were more the u.s. government has only identified sixteen quote unquote high value detainees italy is the only country where a court has criminally has convicted officials for their involvement in extraordinary rendition operations ten of these the only country to issue an apology to and took it to an extraordinary rendition victim more here are our who was rendered to and tortured in syria and only three countries in addition to canada and that is sweden australia and the united kingdom have issued compensation to extraordinary rendition victims this report is ripe with human rights abuses and it's clear that high ranking bush administration officials bear responsibility for authorizing human rights violations and yet no one was prosecuted because the u.s.
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government has classified everything related to its torture practices any accusation would be dismissed on state secrets grounds. and u.s. journalist and historian douglas valentine he says that washington's anti terror measures overzealously taking advantage of public fears and even stoking them fat. is what the rise by the us congress by certain very important congress people who believe that they are reflecting the will of the american people in the wake of nine eleven there was a huge outcry in america for vengeance for the united states to prove for the government to prove that it was more terrible than the people who launched the nine eleven attack and so congress believing that if you like the will of the american people authorize the cia to do this since nine eleven the government has been able to maintain this attitude that it's required for security to commit crime this is
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never been necessary before and what it illustrates is that the government is more capable propagandizing the american people by exaggerating the threats that exist in order to perpetuate which probably is a state of emergency that really doesn't exist in which the government is able to portray the united states the greatest military power that ever existed on the planet earth and some of the person that's been bully. the truth is exactly the opposite. this is arts he now has predicted the outcome of this year's general election in germany could be majorly swayed by the candidates differing approaches towards the greek economic crisis calls main challenger the country's former finance minister says she's being simply too harsh on athens. as this report. the main contender to angola merkel in this year's general election the social
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democrat party's peacetime brooke has said this his vision for how to deal with the greek problem is to give greece a little bit more time and for everybody else around the world to be essentially willing to spend a little bit more money now that includes germany of course this goes up against what has been angola merkel's message all the way which is that it's all by austerity and by a sturdy alone and cutting that deficit. that greece can get itself financially back on its feet now what is interesting is that in the german elections we're seeing the key battleground becoming greece. now one of the reasons that we've seen the s.t.p. to jump on this is because essentially they smell blood he said himself after the most recent local elections which took place last month that's change was possible this year and in order and one of the reasons he can say that is his party is absolutely killing angle merkel's coalition when it comes to domestic issues if you
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speak to the german people one thing they will all tell you the vast majority will tell you is that they do support angola merkel's view when it comes to dealing with the euro crisis what we're now seeing is peacetime brooke saying i'm going to challenge angela merkel on her own turf and put forward my own theory about how to deal with greece. and france to meet with francois hollande and they'll be taking in the france germany game we will be seeing is those two talking about what they're going to do going into a meeting on thursday where the you'll be looking at where all of the senior partners in europe will be looking to try and decide the european budget for twenty fourteen to twenty twenty now this has been a huge stumbling block for european leaders in the past year we heard from france warland speaking on tuesday who said that he was ready to try and come to some kind of compromise in the social. francois hollande against the leader of a sturdy anglo merkel there has been some friction in the past he says all of the
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major issues that they have are behind them and that they're ready to work together so i expect what we will see is that some kind of solution being put forward by these two how to steer europe towards a definite budget for twenty fourteen to twenty twenty when everybody meets on state. of course want to put it all about reporting now for now the iranian president mahmoud ahmadinejad has called for the formation of a strategic alliance with egypt saying that outside forces are preventing the two nations from reaching understanding his comments came during an historic visit to cairo which aims to rekindle relations after more than three decades of ultimately that of diplomatic silence and the two nations sever ties after iran's islamic revolution of one hundred seventy nine relations worsened further following egypt's peace treaty with israel but more sees usa did rise to power after the uprising was seen as a major hurdle to better links with tehran which is strongly opposed to the current
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revolt in syria a journalist neil clark explained earlier to my colleague bill dodd the keeping the door open to iran shows kyra's pursuing a more independent foreign policy than its ousted predecessor hosni mubarak. around the strongest ally in the arab world has now been serious serious been a brutal ally of iran is the reason why the pro israel lobby why the americans why the saudis etc so keen to talk sad now there's no such moment the syrian government is about where it's all going around would be even more isolated than it is today and to you in a very dangerous position so that's what makes sense for iran trying to build bridges with. all of their financial motives behind this meeting where we've got to believe the economies are bearing in mind the situation there in iran with all those sanctions appearing to have a quite an impact on the iranian economy do you do they both need each other i think they do believe that and i think morsi point of view i think as we see. all the rest of egypt people are very happy with how things are going to get seen
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carrying on the move are actually people are on the run the one way in which you can say to these people look i'm not just a us puppet i'm going to be different here so i think of his point and he could get popularity at home by taking a more conciliatory line towards iraq and to be ready for it if you course they'd be willing to go i mean he probably is. he has been very successful in passing it in the u.s. and other countries to pass tougher and tougher sanctions on iran the real economy is a really bad state so iran needs all the friends it can get there's no reason for iran to be isolated there's no proof it's about a new weapons it's got a peaceful nuclear energy program which there's no evidence to the contrary so therefore it's it's wrong but it should be totally isolated.
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hundreds of people dying in appalling conditions. as reports. well across the country. my wife started hospital in september two
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thousand and eight to disaster to have total chaos when you walk through the door of the world if you smell a. crime no staff available to find a nurse who was left. on the floor we've been there since breakfast on. the. line in a row for you see. maybe carry. the death of john's wife is just one of the many horror stories term merge from the now notorious stuff at hospital relatives say it was a lack of compassion on behalf of the staff that stripped many sick people of their dignity so much evil that sandy would have been described to be nothing not more songs. in the most horrible circumstances. no human being
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she'd have to go through what she went through julie baby's mother died at stafford in what she calls appalling circumstances but when she blew the whistle on the hospital's practice says she was faced with a cover up all the evidence was there that the hospital mid staffs was failing and yet the that was never shared with the public and i believe the same as in all the hospitals it's so much that a string of senior officials failed to take seriously data which showed the hospital significantly higher than average death rates relatives of over a thousand people never got to see them discharged from the hospital patients died needlessly off the suffering a catalogue of neglect left in their own excrement dehydrated and without painkillers it's the biggest scandal to hit the national health service in recent years but with budgets being slashed and red tape preoccupying hospital manages. britain's health secretary is warning that there are little bits of stuff that
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dotted all across the u.k.'s health system the results of the public inquiry into the hospital's failings are expected to issue a damning verdict on the way the whole of the n.h.s. functions they sold the story. there's a bit of stuff in every right that we've got to make say you know it's got to be made so tamara because people can't continue to suffer but even with the glare of a public inquiry and the media spotlight it hasn't stopped last month it emerged that a former unfold baby being treated for breathing problems was found with a dummy taped to his mouth to keep him quiet the nurse being investigated for the incident is the third member of staff at star to be disciplined in the last six months the hospital's chief executive has said we're sorry that despite the progress that has been made there are still some instances of care which fall below that which we want to provide sorry might be too late but the tide of public anger
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swelling campaigners say it's time for westminster to overhaul britain's beleaguered health service before any more lives and needlessly lost polly boyko r t stafford. well you can always i stay up to date with more news from around the world just by logging on to our website arts he thought com let's have a quick look now and i see some of the stories that are standing by there at the moment for example the world the ever watchful social network of a facebook company warned be were a new application is being developed for facebook which is able to truck your location even when your devices are switched off. i know it's a bold. courage or is it just crazy here we have a bunch of russian scientists taking a plunge diving into a siberian lake although. up above in the air it's minus fifty degrees celsius the footage and much more waiting for you on our website.
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speak your language. program documentaries in arabic it's all here. from the world talks of the interview intriguing story for you. in trying. to find out because it. now after years of preparation sleepless nights very hard work russia has something to celebrate tomorrow the official countdown to the twenty fourteen winter olympics begins and the games have already broken the record books becoming the most expensive ever staged. reports on the changing face of the host city of sochi. piece by piece sort she's a limp dick dream is coming together work continues around the clock but with
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a year to go things are shaping up fast and the company in charge of construction has a simple message despite building everything from scratch russia will be ready and . we plan to introduce all the facilities before the games start training facilities are ready practically all of them of hosted test competitions all hotels in the olympic villages are in the final phase of construction being referred and furnished jewels to open in the autumn we plan to complete construction long before the end of the year so personnel can train a managers can gain experience in providing a good service but achieving this goal has come at a staggering price heist in these games is costing around fifty billion dollars making them the most expensive in italy and take history they cost ten times more than the last winter games in vancouver and ten billion dollars more than the beijing summer games however the results can already be seen and they are impressive if you do take
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a quick look around you can see what money can buy at the center of the olympic park which has six pennies all within a stone's throw of each other to host the curling the skating and the ice hockey and this is the june in the qur'an the bolshoi i stay inside this fast hockey arena is pristine i'm ready for yeas it will stay to the under eighteen will championships in april one of t.v. doesn't international events that will test all in the venue before the games begin the cycle for thought she twenty fourteen is hot cool because they don't think park is them by the blocks in case they're on cold because all the alpine events or take place. forty kilometers away. it is a similar story that not much was here before but there are also couture resorts has sprung up from nowhere to become the home of alpine. skiing biathlon and cross-country courses have also been created along with the bulb sleigh track and then there's something you can't fail to meet but if you make your way down the
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mountain will eventually come to hey one of the most dramatic sights at any winter olympics the ski jumping the larger ramp on the left hand side is for the men on the smaller one on the right is for the women he will be competing for the very first time in this event at an olympics next year. linking the so-called mountain and coastal clusters has not been easy over five hundred kilometers of am rail lines have been laid and they have transformed infrastructure but the city may believing the region will reap the benefits for years to come. our residents are aware of the conditions they have to face during changes especially on this scale we certainly have many inconveniences because there's not a single street in sochi without renovation going on the roads are regularly dug up which causes traffic jams all the time however the residents are aware that it's necessary for their future a brilliant future. so she has undergone huge change in just six years but the
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transformation is the most complete and the black sea resort believes he can and will deliver against remember this time next year. this is just a moment in the world update for now there were the last militant believed to be behind the deadly attacks on the moscow metro has been killed it was truck down by special forces in pakistan in southern russia thirty six year old vic and shooting when there was an attempt to detain him he was killed when officers returned fishel said a man had accompanied one of the two suicide bombers on to moscow's metro in march
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twenty ten a twin blasts to over crowded central stations during the morning rush hour thirty nine killed and one thousand injured. there we go right now let's start with molly all of the french military system by local militia has taken control over the last major city in mali to be held by islamist militants. though estimates that several hundred rebels have been killed since the offensive began in the country last month but while the advance has been swift some reports suggest the french led liberation campaign is also of course mounting civilian casualties the french foreign minister has hinted the operation could be over by march. magnitude eight earthquake has struck near the solomon islands one and a half a meter tsunami waves were triggered at least five people have reportedly been killed and several villages destroyed but now it's you know we warn is issued elsewhere in the south pacific have been canceled and one point the governments
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have ordered people to flee to higher ground. or i just why would he not see the second part of our special report on how video games can affect the mind i do stay with us for that. are you really. are you one hundred percent. sure ok was this man snowball it was skyscraper small small my r d r d dog problem isn't. he.
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